Saturday, July 15, 2017

What's up/Happy belated birthday to me

Hello everybody!
I am truly sorry I have been so inactive.
I am going though a lot of life changes right now.
As I'm sure some of you have figured out, I deal with mental illness. I was doing well, but then I wasn't, so I got help. I was in the hospital for two weeks, and got amazing care and help. I feel so much better now and much more ready to tackle the joy in my life.
I just want to stress to you, metal illness is not something to be ashamed of, it's not something to be afraid of, and it's not something you have to do alone. If you feel like you need help, there are lots of amazing supportive people out there. All you need to do reach out. Don't be ashamed of it, it can be scary, but it's so much easier with supportive people around you. Be strong, if it helps, know at lest one person believes in you, me ❤︎

Well that was heavy.
But guess what also happened?
I had a birthday!
Happy Birthday to me~!
Here are some pictures from an early birthday celebration I had with my mom! We went to a rose garden. It was beautiful! Unfortunately it was so hot that day! But we still had fun!❤︎

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