Friday, September 8, 2017

First Impressions : CLUB Orientation

Hi hi! In this blogpost I will be sharing my first impressions of my Club as I complete a 3 day orientation. I hope this will help some of you! If you didn't see my last blogpost on ClubHouse, you can find it here!
Okay here we go~

Day 1
In summery, my impression today was that Club is very fun but also... kinda weird. But I must remind myself that this is of every place. Everywhere, everybody, has their strangenesses and their inconsistencies.
Orientation is a very sink or swim process. Your just kinda tossed in there with the hope you will come up for air. This is good I find, it gets the "Oh crap I've got to do something, anything!" thing going in you, but it can also be rather stressful.
The more I got into it though, the easier it was, and everyone was supper kind and helpful, so my suggestion is to just trust it's going to work and go.
I also met some very nice people. I wasn't really expecting to on my first day; to be honest I was expecting/hoping it would be a nice place to get skills at a slower pace and work quietly and independently and be on my own more of the time. HAHAHAHAHA. Everything is fast paced and energetic, you connect with people easily. This is not a solitary environment. Which is good! I spend too much time alone.
In conclusion: I am exited to see what tomorrow brings. The department I'm most interested in is on the 3rd day so I can't wait for that! (There are basically 6 main departments in the Club and you tour 2 of them each day.)
Day 1 Look

Day 2
Today was an up and down day. The beginning of the day was anxiety provoking and the end was satisfying. 
I started off working in the kitchens today. I volunteered to be dish washer, not fully understanding the enormity of my job. I did it, and I was told I did it well, but by the end of it both my clothing and my feelings where rather damp and bedraggled. I was soaked. I was anxious and frantic at lunch time, having made several mistakes in what I did and trying not to mess up more then I already had.
After lunch we went to a unit I didn't think I'd connect to at all. It seemed so so so far away from what I wanted to do, filing, grant writing and the such. and then I heard the magic words:
Does anyone know how to use iMovie?
I was hooked. I stayed an hour past my stay time just to finish the project I was working on. It made me think that I might be interested...
So in conclusion: good and bad. Just because the day starts out unfortunately doesn't mean it will all go bad. You might find something really nice.

Day 3
The day started off with me almost being late because I forgot my phone and had to go back to get it. Then, we went to our first unit of the day and I started off by doing a lot of cleaning of things, the bathroom, door handles, keyboards and the such. Then I was sat down with birthday cards to write the name on and then fill out the envelope. I did this for the entire morning. 
After lunch, I got to learn all about these schooling and working opportunities. They offer help with collage, transitional work opportunities and supported work opportunities. This was very interesting.
At the end of the day, we decided which unit we would go into. I chose Training and Development.(That was the one I used iMovie in) I just really liked the people in that unit and felt useful and appreciated there. I might also bounce in and out of business to help with video editing, something I look forward to doing in my new unit. I had a girl talk to me today about how amazing it would be if I joined Training as they where in desperate need of someone who could use iMovie. I am more then happy to oblige!

This has been quite the experience and I'm glad I did it! I can't wait to start Club on Monday and start joining the community. I look forward to many good times there. 

Till next time~:

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